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Nutrition Care process

We offer personalized nutrition consulting services to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Our experienced team assesses your nutritional needs, creates a personalized plan, and evaluates its effectiveness to provide effective and individualized nutrition care.

Step 1

Nutrition Assessment / Qiimaynta Heerka Nafaqada

our nutrition assessment process involves a comprehensive evaluation of your dietary habits and medical history to create a personalized nutrition plan. (Habka qiimaynta nafaqadu waxa ay ku lug leedahay qiimayn dhamaystiran oo ku saabsan caadooyinkaaga cunto iyo taariikhdaada caafimaad si loo abuuro qorshe nafaqo oo khaas ah.)

Step 2

Nutrition Diagnosis / Ogaanshaha Nafaqadada

nutrition diagnosis involves identifying any nutrition-related problems based on intake, clinical and behavioral factors to develop an effective nutrition plan.

Step 3

Nutrition Intervention / Taageero Nafaqo

Our nutrition intervention at Al Ihsan involves implementing a tailored nutrition plan that may include food delivery, education, and counseling.

Step 4

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation / ilaalinta iyo tayaynta nafaqadada

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation at Al Ihsan involves tracking progress and adjusting the nutrition plan to achieve optimal results.

Step 1

Qiimaynta Heerka Nafaqada

Habka qiimaynta nafaqadu waxa ay ku lug leedahay qiimayn dhamaystiran oo ku saabsan caadooyinkaaga cunto iyo taariikhdaada caafimaad si loo abuuro qorshe nafaqo oo khaas ah.

Step 2

Ogaanshaha Nafaqadada

Cilmi-baadhista nafaqada waxa ay ku lug leedahay ogaanshaha dhibaatooyinka la xidhiidha nafaqada ee ku salaysan qaadashada, bukaan-socodka iyo arrimaha hab-dhaqanka si loo sameeyo qorshe nafaqo oo waxtar leh.

Step 3

Taageero Nafaqo

Caawintayada nafaqeynta ee Al Ihsan waxay ku lug leedahay hirgelinta qorshe nafaqo oo ku habboon oo ay ku jiraan cunto-gaarsiin, waxbarasho, iyo la-talin.

Step 4

ilaalinta iyo tayaynta nafaqadada

Kormeerka iyo Qiimaynta Nafaqada ee Al Ihsan waxay ku lug leedahay la socodka horumarka iyo hagaajinta qorshaha nafaqeynta si loo gaaro natiijooyin wanaagsan.

Nutrition Care process

We offer personalized nutrition consulting services to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Our experienced team assesses your nutritional needs, creates a personalized plan, and evaluates its effectiveness to provide effective and individualized nutrition care.

Step 1

Nutrition Assessment

our nutrition assessment process involves a comprehensive evaluation of your dietary habits and medical history to create a personalized nutrition plan.

Step 2

Nutrition Diagnosis

nutrition diagnosis involves identifying any nutrition-related problems based on intake, clinical and behavioral factors to develop an effective nutrition plan.

Step 3

Nutrition Intervention

Our nutrition intervention at Al Ihsan involves implementing a tailored nutrition plan that may include food delivery, education, and counseling.

Step 4

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation at Al Ihsan involves tracking progress and adjusting the nutrition plan to achieve optimal results.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to common queries about Al Ihsan Nutrition’s products and services.

Al Ihsan offers a variety of nutrition products, including supplements, meal replacements, and specialized formulas for different health conditions.

Yes, Al Ihsan’s nutrition products can be used by individuals of all ages, from newborns to adults.

Yes, we strive to make our products accessible to everyone in the entire Somali region. We have a strong distribution network that ensures our products are available in all regions. You can also order our products online through our website and have them delivered to your doorstep.

Yes, Al Ihsan offers specialized nutrition formulas for individuals with different health conditions, including diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, and allergies.

Yes, Al Ihsan Nutrition offers nutrition consulting services for individuals of all ages.

Al Ihsan offers a range of nutrition consulting services, including nutrition assessments, personalized meal planning, and ongoing nutrition support.

The process includes an initial assessment of your nutritional needs, followed by the development of a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your specific goals and requirements.

You can schedule a consultation with Al Ihsan by contacting our customer service team via phone, email, or through our website.

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